Restoring a Past, Charting a Future – Dalvero Academy exhibits at Mystic Seaport!

We are so proud to announce the April 28, 2012 opening of our exhibit: 

Restoring a Past, Charting a Future: An Artistic Discovery of America’s Whaling Legacy by Dalvero Academy.

art by Alexander Charner

The exhibit is three years in the making and the product of many, many classes held up at the Mystic Seaport in Connecticut, documenting the restoration of the whale-ship Charles W. Morgan, the only one of her kind left in the world. Not only did the artists create reportage of the restoration itself, they used the ideas and research conducted during their reportage work to illustrate the history and cultural significance of the ship. The renewed Morgan will set her course on an environmental mission, and the work in the show addresses that as well. The exhibit features 24 artists, including Dalvero instructors Veronica Lawlor and Margaret Hurst, and showcases our illustration through drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, photography, fiber arts, video and animation.

Please read more about the exhibit on the Mystic Seaport website HERE. And visit our website to read more about the artists in the show:

art by Sara Dilliplane

The exhibit opens on April 28, 2012 and runs until September 9, 2013. We hope to see you there!