Dalvero Academy makes the New York Times!

Our Mystic Seaport project and the Dalvero artists are mentioned by Quentin Snediker, director of the Mystic Shipyard, in an August 17th New York Times article about the whaling ship Morgan!

Quote: “We get layer upon layer of information,” he said. The least technical of the methods centers on a group of young artists who are sketching the various stages of the Morgan’s disassembly and repair. “It’s great to see it through their eyes,” Mr. Snediker said.”

Read the full article here: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/17/science/17ship.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1

Dalvero Academy

DALVERO ACADEMY: offering classes in drawing, illustration and graphic communication, from beginner to advanced levels. Studio classes in Brooklyn and location classes world-wide. For more information please email us at dalveroinfo@mac.com.
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Please visit our Facebook page: Dalvero Academy.

Dalvero Academy is the dream of Margaret Hurst and Veronica Lawlor, educators and illustrators. Visit their website at www.studio1482.com.